Appropriate attire is mandatory for any appearance in Court, whether as a participant in a case, a witness or an observer. This not only helps maintain decorum but shows respect for our nation’s laws and Courts.
As a general rule, you should think of the Courtroom as a formal environment. Dress as you would when going for an important job interview or to church. You will be barred from the Courtroom if you violate the Court dress code. Regardless of how you personally feel about the dress code, obey the rules.

- Men: wear shoes with socks; long pants (on pants with belt loops, wear a belt); collared shirt (tucked in) with a tie, with or without a jacket
- Women: wear shoes; a dress, skirt or long pants; a blouse, sweater or casual dress shirt
You will NOT be allowed to enter the Courtroom wearing the following inappropriate clothing (this may result in an arrest warrant for failure to appear or a default of your civil case):
- Shorts
- Hats (men) or hair curlers (women)
- Halter or tube top
- T-shirt or muscle shirt
- See-through top
- Flip flops
- Clothing that exposes your midriff or underwear
- Ripped or torn jeans
- Baggy pants that fall below your waist
- Clothing with an emblem or wording that promotes illegal or inappropriate activity
- Clothing that depicts or promotes violence, sex acts, illegal drug use or profanity

To protect the decorum of the Court, all participants in Juvenile Court must follow these special mandatory dress code rules in addition to those above:
- A belt must be worn if your pants have belt loops
- Pants must be worn at waist level
- For males, shirts must be tucked in
- Remove all visible body piercing jewelry or hardware except you may wear one earring in each earlobe
- You must be appropriately groomed. Males must shave their faces. Males and females must wear their hair styled or cut in a conservative fashion.

Cell phones and/or smart phones are not allowed in the courthouse. You also may not bring other electronic devices, including ipads/tablets, ipods or MP3 players. You will be subject to a contempt charge and be fined if you bring your phone/electronic device into the courthouse. Any phones and/or electronic devices will be immediately seized by the Marshal or Deputy and shall only be released upon payment of contempt charge.
Continue on to other Important Information About Coming To Court: Court Security